unsolicited emails
(too old to reply)
Robert Marshall
2006-10-26 19:21:52 UTC
First, the spammers never actually say "viagra". Maybe something
like "\/1agra", but often far more "sophisticated". Most spam
filters will have problems identifying them.
Spamassassin doesn't seem to have that problem or maybe those ones
haven't been sent to me recently (no,no no! please don't)

I recently retrieved a non spam email from my spam box that got there
solely (well mostly) because of a yahoo anti-spam ad:

`All New Yahoo! Mail Tired of ***@gr@! come-ons? Let our SpamGuard protect you'


La grenouille songe..dans son château d'eau
Links and things http://rmstar.blogspot.com/
Robert Marshall
2006-11-26 13:55:15 UTC
like you and many others, i get these both at home and work.
they use image files with text in them rather than text in an email
to get round the text filters - so far there isnt anything that can
read text in an image, and so they just sail through the filters.
There a FuzzyOCR plugin that can be added to spamassassin that does a
decent job of this (though I've seen one false positive)

Some spammers are now making the text in those images not to be in
horizontal lines just to make the OCR that much more difficult :-(

La grenouille songe..dans son château d'eau
Links and things http://rmstar.blogspot.com/